Sivananda Yoga Health House
Established on October 2022, Sivananda Yoga Health House is a natural healing center and a part of Sivananda Yoga Resort & Training Center. Our Health Education Center serves all people who are looking for yoga for holistic health and peace of mind. Participating for a period of time during the day enable you to establish a way to improve you body-mind-spirit health. All teachers are graduated from the Sivananda Yoga Health Educator Training, certified by IAYT (International Association of Yoga Therapists)
Our Offerings
Special Events
Yoga is a holistic science of life that promotes health, peace, and balance of mind and body, Our special programs including workshops, serial health symposiums will provide a deeper approach to taking care of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
Health Counseling
Open on demand
1 on 1 counseling with our Sivananda Yoga Vietnam Health Educators. Learning about holistic health and the specific approach to each individual’s physical and metal condition.
Short Retreat
Experience the benefits of a Yogic lifestyle and get back your positive health.
Seva Study
Residential programme of 4 weeks
Seva Study is a residential program in which volunteers become fully immersed in the activities of the Yoga Resort for a minimum of one month, You add meaning to your life by this practice of selfless service.
“Health is a gift from Mother Nature who is the power behind life.”
– Swami Sivananda
Our healing approach
After closely observing the lifestyles and needs of people in the West, Swami Vishnudevananda, the founder of Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres, synthesized the ancient wisdom of Yoga into five basic principles, which can easily be incorporated into our own lifestyles to provide a solid foundation for healthy living.
1. Proper Exercise (Asanas)
Enhances the flexibility of the joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments and stimulates circulation. Flexibility and strength of the spine keep the body youthful.
4. Proper Diet (Vegetarian)
Promotes health and has a positive effect on body and mind. It is natural, simple to prepare, easy to digest and absorb. It is based on proper food choices and causes the least harm to other living beings and the environment.
2. Proper Breathing (Pranayama)
Connects the body to its battery, the solar plexus, which is a storehouse of energy. Stress and depression can be overcome by breathing more deeply with increased awareness.
3. Proper Relaxation (Savasana)
Relieves the body of existing stress symptoms (including muscle tension and breathlessness) and also helps develop resistance against external stress factors. Once body and mind are freed from constant overload, they are at ease and perform more efficiently.
5. Positive Thinking and Meditation
Eliminates negative thought patterns and provides an experience of inner peace by controlling the mind through meditation. This is the key to peace of mind.
“Love litlle but love long”
– Swami Sivananda

From the Himalayas to Vietnam

Plan your Stay
Program Calendar
Check out our upcoming programs and courses
Seva-study Program
Immerse yourself in 1 – 3 months of yoga life.
Yoga Vacation
Accommodation and Rates
Check out all of our lodging options.
Our Offerings
Guest Information

K’lan Resort, Hoa Hong Street, Ward 4
by the Tuyen Lam Lake
Dalat, Vietnam
Telephone: (+84) 263 650 1100