Yoga for All Levels


Our Course Offerings


The Sivananda Yoga for all Levels courses seek to empower individuals with classical Yoga tools and Self-knowledge to promote integral health, to reduce stress, to restore balance and a sense of purpose in one’s life.

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Yoga brings perfection, peace, and lasting happiness.

 – Swami Sivananda

Weekend Retreat

Relax and Recharge in a Perfect Setting

Our Weekend Yoga Retreat is ideal for newcomers to Yoga or more seasoned practitioners who want to learn more about Sivananda Yoga. This retreat gives a full experience of classical Yoga practice, including:

  • yoga asanas ( yoga poses )
  • yoga breathing exercises (pranayama)
  • relaxation techniques (savasana)
  • yoga meditation techniques
  • kirtan chanting (bhakti yoga)
  • yoga philosophy (Vedanta)

Yoga at Home
You will gain basic knowledge of how to continue to practice yoga at home. You will begin to develop a lifestyle conducive to physical, mental, and spiritual health and well-being.

Weekend Retreat

Upcoming Dates

You can have calmness of mind at all times by the practice of Yoga.

 – Swami Sivananda

Beginners Yoga Course

Learn the 5 Points of Yoga

Our Beginners Yoga Courses are ideal for newcomers to Yoga or more seasoned practitioners who want to learn more about Sivananda Yoga. This course gives you the full yoga immersion, progressively introducing:

  • yoga asanas ( yoga poses )
  • yoga breathing exercises (pranayama)
  • relaxation techniques (savasana)
  • yoga meditation techniques
  • kirtan chanting (bhakti yoga)
  • yoga philosophy (vedanta)
  • and much more

Yoga Immersion

You will be immersed in the daily routine of yoga and will experience wholesome vegetarian meals, leaving rested, refreshed and recharged.

Yoga at Home

You will gain basic knowledge of how to continue to practice yoga at home. You will begin to develop a lifestyle conducive to physical, mental, and spiritual health and well-being.

Beginners Yoga Courses

Upcoming Dates

Peace is the most covetable possession on earth.  It is the greatest treasure in all the universe.

 – Swami Sivananda

Emotions to Devotion

Bhakti yoga is a natural path for those who are dominantly seeking emotional fulfillment, and desire to convert worldly emotions into Divine devotion. The devotee visualizes the Lord sitting or standing before him/her.

He/she pours out her heart’s love, adoration, and shares his/her deepest thoughts and concerns with the Lord until a continuous flow of awareness moves between devotee and his/her beloved Lord.

This continuous flow of love brings about a a close relationship with God and culminates in Divine Union in which the worshiper and that which is worshiped become One.

Sound, Music, and Arts


A “Mantra” is a mystical spiritual energy encased in a sound structure. At its simplest, the word Om serves as a mantra.

In more sophisticated forms, they are melodic phrases with spiritual rendition such as human longing for truth, reality, light, immortality, peace, love, knowledge and action.

Sacred Sound

Mantras, as sacred sounds, are known to affect our vibratory being and consciousness as the word mantra itself means both protection and instrument.



“Kirtan is singing the Divine name, with feeling. Such singing has a benign effect on both the physical and subtle bodies. It is an excellent method of soothing the nerves and directing the emotions to a positive goal. Kirtan melts the heart, fills the mind with purity and generates harmony and divine love.”

– Swami Sivananda


The experience of mantra and chanting are best when accompanied by ritual.  Ritual, in the very way that it is performed –the same time each day, also mirrors the rhythmic quality of mantra or the universe’s ebbs and flows.

Without sound encompassed in ritual that it is difficult to release the accumulation of psychic toxicity in our spiritual system.

Sound, Music, and Arts

Upcoming Dates

Real happiness is within you.  It manifests when the mind is concentrated.

 – Swami Sivananda

Meditation Courses and Retreats

Mindfullness, Awareness, and Pure Consciousness

The Meditation for Well-being courses introduce the basic guidelines and conditions for classical yoga meditation.  There will be discussions on Why meditate? and the necessity to go to the transcendental level of existence to find true peace and happiness.

Participants will study the mechanics of the mind and how to calm the mind and turn inward for Self-awareness. Learning to withdraw the senses and to take distance from the sensual world of objects which create desires, discontentment and restlessness in an endless pursuit of external happiness.

Meditation Courses

Upcoming Dates

A good thought is thrice blessed. First it benefits the thinker. Second it benefits the person about whom it is directed.  Lastly it benefits all mankind.

 – Swami Sivananda

Positive Thinking Courses

Our thoughts create our actions which create our habits which create our character which creates our destiny

One of the main reason of stress is our negative feeling and thoughts. Negativities are prevalent nowadays in our busy, fast pace life. Our interactions with others seem to be more negative than bringing comfort and joy and positive thinking.

Our minds are saturated and our sensitivity numbed by an overload of information and the confusion and despair that comes from media over-saturation. In this atmosphere, it is difficult for us to access our innate positive and joyful nature, and to remember the goodness of people and the grace of God.

Having lost faith, we doubt our path and worry about where the world is going and what will become of us. We need to see clearly and take a break from the business of life to recharge and reconnect with the beauty and meaning of life. We cannot change the external, but we can change our outlook about it by starting to practice Positive Thinking.

Positive overcomes negative

We cannot redo the past and it is not helpful to worry about the future; but we can live in the solid present and make the best of it.

In these Positive Thinking courses and retreats there will be workshops and lectures specifically on:

  • the power of thoughts
  • how to be in the present
  • how to turn negative feelings and thoughts to positive feelings
  • Also, how to manage stress and respond positively to challenges.

Positive Thinking Courses

Upcoming Dates

Yoga for All Levels

Full Calendar

Calendar of Events

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delicious food in nature

Yoga Health Retreats

Experience the benefits of a daily practice of Yoga techniques and get back your positive health. Health is in your hands and not in the hands of the doctors and the big Pharmaceutical companies who only address symptoms.

delicious food in nature

Specialty Courses and Programs

The Sivananda Yoga Specialty courses offer a broad range of topics which seek to empower individuals with classical Yoga tools and Self-knowledge to promote integral health, to reduce stress, to restore balance and a sense of purpose in one’s life.


group happy and smiling

Yoga Vacation

Reconnect with healthy, balanced living and develop a spiritual and positive vision of life. Come for the day or spend a couple weeks with us. Our volunteer staff is always happy to welcome and share their enthusiasm with you.