Karma Yoga and Seva-study Program
Karma Yoga and Seva-study Program
Do you want to add meaning to your life?
Seva Study is a residential program in which volunteers become fully immersed in the activities of the Yoga Resort for a minimum of one month. The idea of selfless service (seva) is an important concept in all yogic traditions.
Serving others is considered an essential practice to open the heart and to expand your idea of your self. Karma yoga is the foundation of all yoga paths.
This residential program is designed following the philosophical formula of oneness. You add meaning to your life by this practice of selfless service.
The seva-study participant puts into practice the yogic teachings of concentration and focus in action. Furthermore, the participant will learn to sublimate the emotions and practice the teachings of Swami Sivananda “adapt, adjust, accommodate”

Karma Yoga is selfless service Most of our staff are volunteers.

“Work done for the individual good binds; work done for the common good releases”
“You can elevate others only if you have elevated yourself. A prisoner cannot liberate other prisoners.”
– Swami Sivananda
“Perform action, O Arjuna, being steadfast in Yoga, abandoning attachment and balanced in success and failure. Evenness of mind is called Yoga”
Bhagavad Gita 2:48
What is Karma Yoga?
Elevate yourself by elevating others
Right attitude - Work as worship
Have the attitude of offering, humility, and selflessness
Right motive
It’s not what you do that counts but your real motive behind.
Do your duty
Do your duty according to your particular situation
Do your best
You should not hold back from fear of effort required or from fear of criticism.
Give up results
You are not the doer. You are only the instrument. Detachment from results means freedom.
Serve the Self in All
Serve the Self in all. Love your neighbor as yourself.
Follow Discipline
Follow the discipline of the job. Every work experience has something to teach you.
Qualifications of a karma yogi
Generous, amiable, loving, sociable nature, humble, Free from hatred, harshness, judgement.
Benefits of Practicing Karma Yoga
Develop and learn new skills
Help personality growth and fulfillment
Thin out the ego. Remove selfishness
Overcome likes and dislikes
Eliminate prejudices
Purify the heart, Feel oneness
Become more loving
Have a more flexible mind and tolerant attitude
Broaden your outlook on life
Find meaning in every activity
Karma Yogis in action

Develop Yourself through Karma Yoga Life
Be Supported by the Community

Practicing in a dedicated group can help overcome isolation and give you support to do daily practice of yoga. You will be empowered by being part of a team of dedicated volunteers. Also, you will be able to channel your energy by serving an international mission of peace. Furthermore, you will expand your horizons.
Work without stress in Nature
Live in the clean fresh air and beauty of the Dalat mountains and forest. In this beautiful environment, you will discover the secret of success, how activities and work in the right environment with the right attitude can reduce the experience of stress. Working with others is more enjoyable when nobody has a personal motive.
Get inspired to be better
Sadhana (practice for personal growth) is built in to the program. Get guidance and counseling from qualified teachers. Learn more about us.
“Service is love in expression.”
-Swami Sivananda
Be Part of a Living Tradition
You will feel daily connected to the sacred teaching of the Yoga masters and feel empowered in following their footsteps. The Yoga Resort schedule and ways of functioning are passed on by the disciples of the living lineage. What is being taught in books will be alive in front of you. Furthermore, you will feel the palpable love and support of the teaching through daily interactions and happenings.
Be Part of the Peace Mission of the Founder
Swami Vishnudevananda opened his network of Yoga centers to enable individuals to learn the art of true peace. Inner peace leads to outer peace. Inner peace needs to be cultivated in daily life through self-discipline and controlling the mind. Be inspired to be part of this network of peace-loving and dynamic volunteers, knowing that together we are making the world a better place.
“Be the change that you want to see in the world” – Mahatma Gandhi
Head, Heart, and Hands Together
Karma yoga life is the only way to apply integrally the 4 paths of yoga in daily life. The head, the heart, and the hands have to pull together to be productive while feeling genuinely happy in the soul. This is a marvelous way of holistic life leading to well-rounded development.

More Information
Daily Schedule
- Guided morning and evening Satsang (meditation, chanting, lecture)
- Staff meeting
- 2 hr yoga class
- 2 nutritious vegetarian meals
- Selfless service: seva-study : 4-5 hours
- Personal time and relaxation
- Personal study
- Staff Svadyahya (weekly meeting with senior staff and swamis)
- Applicants must be willing to follow the guidance from senior staff members regarding karma yoga duties and spiritual practice
- Attendance at the morning and evening meditation and one yoga class daily is mandatory.
- Alcohol, tobacco, meat, fish, eggs, coffee and drugs are prohibited on the premises.
- October – April: dormitory room is recommended
- May – September: tenting is also available. Bring your own tent, airbed and sleeping bag.

K’lan Resort, Hoa Hong Street, Ward 4
by the Tuyen Lam Lake
Dalat, Vietnam
Telephone: (+84) 263 650 1100