Ho Chi Minh Center
Telephone: +84 98 780 5427
Ho Chi Minh Center
The Ho Chi Minh Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center, located in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City, a bustling city with more than 9 million residents, is part of the Inernational Sivananda Yoga Centers and was established in 2011 by Swami Sitaramananda and the dedicated volunteer staff.
New Center Location
Upcoming Courses
For English speakers, please kindly contact our center for consultation and registration on specific courses as request.
* All levels = Drop-in open classes
Open classes are 90 minutes-mixed levels-and include breathing exercises, sun salutations, 12 basic postures with variations, and final relaxation. No pre-registration is required.
* Meditaion = Satsang
Satsang is a group practice consisting of meditation, devotional chanting, and a short talk. Free and open for everyone.
Practical tips
Avoid eating for two hours before a Yoga class. Wear loose, modest clothing. Cushions and mats are provided. However, for hygienic purpose it is recommended that you bring your own mat or towel. Please be on time.
“Solve first the, “Who am I?” problem. All other problems will be automatically solved.”
– Swami Sivananda, in “Sivananda Upanishad”
Our Offerings
Yoga Asana Classes
Diverse, for all levels, open from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm
Yoga for special needs, Meditation, Ayurveda
Expand your knowledge about
5 points & 4 paths of Yoga
Our Team

Swami Pranavananda
Swami Pranavananda, hails from the USA, and has been a Yoga and Meditation teacher since 1995 in the US and abroad. He teaches mainly the Hatha Yoga and Anatomy sections for the TTC courses. He was the director of the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers in Los Angeles, CA and San Francisco, CA for a few years. Currently he is serving in Vietnam teaching in the Hochiminh center. He enjoys taking classes to learn Vietnamese.

Ganga Chaitanya
Ganga Chaitanya graduated from International Sivananda Yoga teacher training course in 2009 and Advanced yoga teacher training course in 2010 at the Yoga Farm in Grass Valley USA. She is also a graduate of the “Yoga as Medicine”, “Yoga Psychology”, and “Ayurveda and Yoga Wellness” course. She has been the director of the very dynamic Sivananda Yoga Centre in Ho chi minh City since 2011 and took her brahmacharya vows in 2017.

Dedicated Staff of Sivananda HCM Center
Asana Classes
Practice Hatha Yoga, suitable for all levels
All-Levels Yoga Class
90-minute Hatha Yoga class, suitable for all levels
from beginner to advanced
Gentle Yoga Class
Gentle poses, focus on
breathing & relaxation
Advanced Yoga Class
For advanced students who want to enhance
their Asana practice
Yoga for special needs, Meditation, Ayurveda
Basic Yoga Course
For beginners of Sivananda Yoga
Restorative Yoga
A method of gentle restoration through
passive stretching and supporting pillows
Pregnancy Yoga
For pregnant women from 4th to 8th month
Kids Yoga
For children aged from 7-14 to practice fun and inspiring Yoga
Knowledge and techniques for meditation practicing
Natural health care and healing
Expand your knowledge about 5 points & 4 paths of Yoga
Pranayama & Kiryas
Energy control and body purification
Yoga and Health
Yoga – the natural supporting solution of
medical therapy and health care
Asana Workshops
Technical instructions and benefits of Asana postures
Proper Diet & Cooking
Proper diet principals according to
Yoga tradition and cooking activities
Music and Arts
Techniques of concentration and meditation
through music and arts
Positive Thinking
Practical techniques to transform positive thoughts
“Kindle the light of love in the heart and
radiate love and light to one and all”
– Swami Sivananda
At Sivananda Yoga we recommend to study the many books written by Swami Sivananda and Swami Vishnudevananda. Many of these have been translated into Vietnamese by our teacher Swami Sitaramananda and can be purchased in any of our centers.
Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga
Meditation and Mantras
Bliss Divine

Yoga Asana

Yoga Essentials

Yoga Asana Classes

All – Levels Yoga Class
90-minute Hatha Yoga class, suitable for all levels from beginner to advanced
Sivananda Yoga Center is a classic Yoga lineage from India, teaching the practice of meditative Hatha Yoga. The exercise series focus on spinal health and affect the energy centers along the body. Each movement brings a sense of spiritual, focus on the breath and meditation in the posture.
All-level classes at Sivananda Ho Chi Minh Center, as well as our other centers and Ashram around the world, are suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners.
In this 90-minute class, you will be guided through Pranayama (breathing exercises to energize and balance the breath), Sun Salutation exercises, a series of Yoga Asanas (steady posture), and final relaxation. Perseverance and stability in practicing this series of exercises will bring great health and peace of mind.
We have mats available in class, but practitioners are encouraged to bring their own mat and towel. We also sell mats and towels at the boutique. To ensure class quality, please arrive 10 minutes prior to class opening to calm your mind and energy down and thus best experience the benefits of Yoga.
Gentle Yoga
Gentle poses, focus on breathing & relaxation
Practice gentle postures, focusing on breathing, suitable for the elderly, people with limited flexibility or weight problems, people with special medical conditions or injury.
We realize that from an inadequate and constantly stressing lifestyle, many practitioners coming to Yoga are unable to practice basic poses safely. With the motto “Ahimsa – no violence”, we have transformed the Asana Yoga postures to better suit these practitioners, help them to experience the benefits of practicing Yoga. Gentle Yoga combined with breathing exercises will help to strengthen bones, improve memory, reduce stress and pains, minimize hypertension, improve sleep, improve mental well-being and peace. People who practice Yoga will feel the fullness and happiness from within.
This class is more relaxing than all-level classes. It ends with a deep relaxation exercise combined with meditation.

Advanced Yoga
For advanced students who want to enhance their Asana practice
The advanced Yoga Asana class focuses on advanced variants of the 12 Asanas in the Sivananda Yoga sequences. This is an opportunity to enhance your Yoga practice with challenging Asana postures, improving flexibility, balance, endurance and stillness.
The main purpose of advanced postures is to enhance the mind’s concentration. Your body should be very firm and strong enough to be able to practice these postures. As postures are not the final goal of Yoga, we recommend you to listen to your body and control your mind to participate in Advanced Asana classes safely and effectively.

Pranayama & Kiryas
Energy control and body purification
Prana means the universal energy. Yama means to control. Pranayama is the knowledge to control the boundless cosmic energy – human prana – through breathing exercises to enhance the health of the body and mind. Pranayama is one of the most important practices in all types of yoga. By practicing Pranayama, Yogis can control his nervous system and thus gradually control his life energy and mind.
Pranayama breathing exercises bring immediate benefits to the mind and body, balance the two cerebral hemispheres and two sources of yin and yang energy in the body, purify 72,000 nadis (the meridians), balance emotions, enhance vitality…
The Yogi sees his body as a vehicle to help him evolve into higher consciousness. In order to operate smoothly, this vehicle must always be cleaned both inside and out – just as we often shower outside, it is equally necessary to clean the internal organs and pipes. The purification exercises in Yoga, “Kriyas”, are known as a natural way to support the removal of waste products and cleansing from the inside of the body. No prior experience is required. Everyone is welcome, from beginner to advanced.
Yoga And Health
Yoga – the natural supporting solution of medical therapy and health care

Yoga for Back-pain Relief
Back pain is a common problem at some stage in one’s life.
Back pain can occur due to poor posture while sitting or standing, improperly bending or lifting. Back pain can be caused by injury or illness, such as: slipped (herniated) disc – when one of the discs in the spine is damaged and pressed into the nerve; sciatica – stimulated or compressed sciatic nerve, which causes pain, numbness, and tingling going down one leg. This workshop will provide details on the causes and practice of simple yet effective yoga postures to reduce back pain.

Yoga for Stress Relief
Stress has been identified as a leading cause of illness and disease. One of the main causes of stress is negative feelings and thoughts. We cannot change the world, but we can change the way we see it. The past is over, and the future has yet to come; let’s live fully in the present moment. Observing the mind, body and breath through Yoga postures and meditation not only reduces stress effectively but also helps to achieve peace and happiness from within, and at the same time convert negative emotions and thoughts into positive ones, reduce stress and recover from stress.
Yoga And Health
Yoga – the natural supporting solution of medical therapy and health care
Yoga and the Cardiovascular system
“The Yogi sees the body as a tool in his journey towards perfection” – Swami Vishnudevananda
The human body is divided into organ systems based on their function. The organ systems work smoothly in the overall machine, influenced by each other. It is important to have a healthy circulatory system, with non-obstructive blood vessels and arteries carrying oxygen and nutrients to the whole body.
The practice of Yoga helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle, limits circulatory problems affecting the normal functioning of the organ systems, for an energetic life.

Yoga for Diabetic patients
There is an increasing number of diabetic patients chosing yoga as an effort exercise to control their condition and improve their life quality.
It is known that regular yoga practice can help to reduce stress levels and enhance mobility, thereby lower blood pressure, and improve health in overall.
These are benefits that many health experts believe Yoga can improve in diabetes and protect against related conditions such as cardiovascular diseases.

Asana Workshops
Technical instructions and benefits of Asana postures

Headstands and its variations
Headstand is often called the King of the Asanas. This pose is considered by many to be the panacea of all illness. It is one of the most powerful asanas for body and mind.
However, for many people Headstand is not an easy pose. Are you afraid going into this pose? Are you not sure how to do it step by step? Or are you able to maintain it, and now want to go deeper through the variations? This topic will focus on Headstand and the variations. Learn how to improve your practice, starting from the standard 8 steps to advanced variations, such as the Scorpion, Lotus, and other poses.
This class is open to all levels, from beginner to advanced. We will teach the basic pose to beginners, and advanced variations for more experienced students. Supplementary exercises to prepare the body for reversal poses and safety guidance are also detailed in the workshop.

Hip Joint Opening Poses
Stiff muscles at the hip joints limit movements and make us more vulnerable to injury.
There is a strong link between the hips and the whole body health, so exercising to maintain proper circulation and strengthen muscles in the legs and hips will also maintain the body’s health. Let learn how to open your hips effectively and safely with the targeted asanas in this workshop.

Asana Workshops
Technical instructions and benefits of Asana postures
108 rounds of Sun Salutation
This workshop will teach you the meanings behind the Sun Salutation, as well as providing detailed instructions and corrections to improve your practice, bringing the best health benefits.
Topics include:
- Sun Salutation – its meanings and benefits
- Meditation, breathing and movement in Sun Salutation
- 12 Sun Salutation postures and practice
- Spinal health – how we can improve strength and flexibility

Backward and Forward Bend
This workshop help students understand the benefits of forward and backward bending asanas and provide instructions on related postures and variations. Participating in this workshop, students will have better insights on their own physical body conditions- their limitations and advantages to actively explore the Asanas. Also, the awareness of stretching the particular parts of the body and the internal organs syncronyzing with the breath is enhanced significantly. Suitable for students at all levels.

Balancing Poses
This class will focus on variations of balancing poses. You will learn how to improve your practice, starting with easy balancing poses like the Tree, then to the advanced such as the Crow, Headstand, the Scorpion, and other poses.
Suitable for all levels, beginners to advanced learners.
Workshop content:
- Balancing variations for each of the 12 basic poses.
- Preparation exercises for the reverse poses.
- Safety guide for practice.
- Benefits of balancing poses
Proper Diet & Cooking
Proper diet principals according to Yoga tradition and cooking activities
“You are what you eat.”
According to the Upanishads- Indian ancient scripture, the food is Brahman – Sacred Truth. When we eat, we become one with the environment. Food produces energy to maintain the body and also affects emotion and mind.
Workshop “Proper diet” guides the principles of vegetarianism following Yoga tradition. Food is recommended to be upstream with pure satvic energy to keep the mind calm and balanced. Topics of a nutritious meal with 6 flavors, attitude towards food, eating environments, meal time, especially eating mindfulness are also covered in this workshop as the golden secrets for good health and peaceful mind.
This is a fun, interactive and hands-on workshop. You will have the opportunity to practice cooking a simple, healthy vegetarian meal and enjoy your own meal at end of the workshop. Materials and all tools are prepared and provided by our center.

Music And Arts
Techniques of concentration and meditation through music and arts

Yantra Painting
Yantras are sacred geometric symbols that evoke feelings of peace and are used as a visual aid in meditation. In this class, we will learn how to draw and color these sacred symbols. This is a meditation practice performed in silence to bring peace to the mind and tranquility, using vision, colors, patterns and symbols to calm the mind and emotions, and balance the hemisphere of the brain. It is not complusary to have artistic skills or experience to join the workshop. Painting Yantra is a process of science and mathematics, as well as an art. We will guide you from the beginning.

Music And Arts
Techniques of concentration and meditation through music and arts
Kirtan Singing
Kirtan singing is Bhakti Yoga practice that transforms emotions and increases love. This is the easiest and funniest technique to calm the mind and elevate emotions. Kritan- Yoga of the sound encompasses Mantras in Sanskrit. Mantras create sacred vibrations that directly affect emotions, release negativity, purify and uplift emotions for the sublimation of the spirit and unity attainment.
Join our Kirtan singing workshop for a unique music meditation experience. Let immerse your mind in purity, bliss and harmony with Kritan songs.

Japa Chanting
Japa meditation is repeating a Mantra, with or without a rosary or malabead. The mantras are mysterious sounds heard by the Rishi in the deep meditation state and passed on to the disciples. Mantra has great power and Mantra itself is also a God/ Goddess.
Japa meditation purifies the mind, increases the will power, increases the concentration and immediately converts the vibration of the body and the mind to a higher and more positive level.
In the Japa Meditation Workshop this Sunday, you will have the opportunity to learn more about a new form of Yoga meditation , learn how to use Mala beads and practice the secret power of mantra.
Positive Thinking
Practical techniques to transform positive thoughts
Deep understanding about thoughts help many individuals realize new meaning of their daily lives. The course introduces practical techniques to face internal and external obstacles through the understanding of the mind and the power to transform thoughts.
Course Contents:
- The nature of Thoughts
- The True Self according to Vedenta
- How to deal with unwanted thoughts
- Break down negative patterns of thinkings and emotions
- Manage stress in everyday life
- Turn obstacles into advantages


Basic Yoga Course
For beginners of Sivananda Yoga
Coming to the course, you will be trained methodically on:
- Each posture of Yoga (Asana) from basic to advanced: how to prepare, retain and come out of a posture properly, meditation in posture and the benefits of each posture on body, mind, and spirit.
- Yoga breathing exercises (Pranayama) that increase concentration ability, intellect, and vitality (prana) for the whole body and the mind.
- Sun salutation series (Surya Namaskara) that bring solar energy, increase strength and endurance, synchronize the body and mind.
- Theoretical explanation of “5 Points and 4 Paths of Yoga” by Guru Swami Vishnudevananda for comprehensive health, peace and happiness.
Sivananda Yoga’s basic course 16-days consists of two parts:
- Yoga 1 (8 sessions) includes basic Yoga theories and postures, preparing the mind and the body to be familiar with Yoga practice. People with special medical conditions can only register for Yoga 1. Teachers will record the pathology, body problems of each student and adjust the postures suitably.
- Yoga 2 (8 sessions) is the more advanced part to complete the sequence of 12 Sivananda Yoga Sivananda Yoga. The focus is the “head standing” position (Sirsasana) _ the king of Asanas and advanced breathing exercises (Kapalapati).
Restorative Yoga
A method of gentle restoration through passive stretching and supporting pillows
Restorative Yoga is a practice that helps to slow down and open your body through passive stretching. In a restorative class, you hardly move but only do a few poses during the workout. It is an experience completely different from most other modern Yoga classes. During restorative Yoga practice, your muscles are allowed to relax deeply, the pillows will replace your muscles to support the body for active activities and provide a great antidote to stress.
This is a restorative method for both your mind and body, suitable for people with weak physique, limited mobility, stress, insomnia, inability to relax, and does not require any knowledge about Yoga. Restorative Yoga will bring prana – the vital energy – to each cell to release and eliminate any chronic stress and blockage.

Prenatal Yoga
For pregnant women from 4th to 8th month
At that time, the fetus is stable, and the mother has gone through the period of pregnancy sickness. During this period, the fetus has started to grow, which creates backache, hips pain, and difficulty in walking for the mother.
Prenatal Yoga helps mothers to reduce aches and improve their mood. Yoga exercises accelerate the flow of oxygen from the mother to the fetus. The baby will move according to the mother’s poses, so they can grow faster and healthier right in the fetus. Yoga combined with breathing also enhances the connection between the mother and the baby, makes it feel loved and cared for.
Yoga is one of the few subjects that pregnant women can practice. Studies have shown that practicing Yoga during pregnancy has many benefits for both mother and baby. Prenatal Yoga only includes gentle movements, it mainly uses the regulation of breathing combined with movement of body muscles and joints to help mothers learn how to breathe deeply and relax, which is very useful in labor and also reduces the postpartum depression syndrome and stress during pregnancy. Yoga gives pregnant women great effects both physical and mental.
Yoga Kid
For children aged from 7-14 to practice fun and inspiring Yoga
“Inner education, character building through Yoga practicing have a great influence on a young person” – Swami Sivananda.
The Yoga Summer Camp program is an ideal environment to build a foundation of peace and healthy development for children. They practice yoga in excitement, joy, inspiration, and full of energy. Throughout the program, in addition to Yoga poses, the children also experience meditation, learn about empathy and how to lead a healthy lifestyle. They will be taught about awareness and love through listening to inspirational stories. This is a solid start for a peaceful and happy life of the children in the future.

The course will equip you with the basic techniques and knowledge of meditation. It inspires you on tremendous benefits of meditation practice. It provides better understanding of the mind mechanism. It enables you to explore yourself and start meditation practicing habit , the critical habit for a peaceful and happy life.
Course content:
- Purpose of meditation
- Nature of the mind
- Concentration
- Explanation of Mantra (sound energy, vibration)
- Establish a regular practice
Knowledge and techniques for meditation practicing
Meditation is considered to be the aim of Yoga practicing. It is an invaluable techinique to achieve emotional balance, peace of mind and enlightenment. Let get acquainted, expand and deepen your knowledge of meditation with our course.
Go deeper into your meditation practice by understanding the roots of thoughts and emotions. You will learn about 4 paths of Yoga which will uplift your Meditation practice to a higher level. You will continue to practice meditation in a longer period of time to improve your thinking and truly connect with your inner peace.
Course content:
- Meditation techniques follow the four paths of Yoga
- Choose a mantra for personal practice
- Meditate using a mantra
- How to continue a steady meditation practice
- Obstacles in meditation
Natural health care and healing
Ayurveda, literally means the science of life (Ayur = Life, Veda = Science). Ayurveda is an ancient medicial science that was developed in India 5,000 years ago and is considered to be the oldest healing science in human history. Nowadays, Ayurveda medicine has become a school of medicine with full of theory and practice, recognized by the World Health Organization WHO.
Ayurveda mission is to help people live long, healthy and balanced, without pain, complicated medicine or surgery. Ayurveda is considered as Yoga sister. Both go together.
This course will provide basic knowledge about Ayurveda to help you identify your physical condition and recommend lifestyle adjustment needed to achieve overall physical, mental and spiritual health.
Course content:
Basic knowledge of Ayurveda:
- What is Ayurveda? 3 pillars of health according to Ayurveda.
- 5 natural ingredients.
- 3 dosha, characteristics of dosha on body, emotions, mind.
- How to determine dosha imbalance
- How to balance dosha.
- Ayurveda nutrition helps balance dosha (5 substances 6 flavors).


Group meditation or Satsang is the center of the Yoga teachings and provides one of the most effective means to progress in spiritual life.
Every Wednesday and Sunday: 6.30pm – 8.00pm
Satsang literally means “to befriend the wise man”, or a meeting of like-minded people for spiritual practices. No prior knowledge or experience of Yoga is required, and everyone is welcome to join. Each session consists of 30 minutes of silent meditation starting with instructions, 30 minutes of Kirtan chanting, and a short lecture or reading about Yoga philosophy. After Satsang, you are invited to enjoy a complimentary dish or fruit prepared by our staffs.
Occasionally we hold guest talks or spiritual concerts as part of Satsang. Satsang is open to all, all is welcome, and all is free.
Open House
A special opportunity to familiarize yourself with Yoga and various programs offered at Sivananda Ho Chi Minh center.
The day is held on the first Sunday of each month, FREE FOR ALL.
Discount 15% to all membership cards and courses registered in that day.
The open house day includes:
- Introduction to the Philosophy and Practice of Yoga and Meditation, sowing the seeds for a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
- Practice 90 minutes of Yoga Asana class
Vietnamese class:
- 10:00 am or 5:00 pm: for New students who haven’t known anything about Yoga
- 8:00 am or 5:00 pm: for those who have practiced Yoga
- 6:30 – 8:00 pm: Satsang: Meditation, Kirtan chanting, and introduction to Sivananda Yoga

- 8:00 am or 5:00 pm: Asana Class for those who have practiced Yoga
- 6:30 – 8:00 pm: Satsang: Meditation, Kirtan chanting, and introduction to Sivananda Yoga

Karma Yoga
Sivananda Yoga Center is a voluntary and non-profit organization, operates entirely in the spirit of Karma Yoga (voluntary service). All instructors and staff are volunteers, and the Center operates only with the help of many individuals inspired by the teachings of Yoga. You are always welcome to join us as a “karma yogi.” There are some areas that you can come and serve: office work, maintenance and repair, gardening, cleaning, cooking, IT, advertising running. If you have any special skills, please share with us. Tell your friends about us and help us spread the teachings of Yoga to everyone.
Outdoor Yoga
At Sivananda Yoga Ho Chi Minh Center, we organize outdoor yoga classes at city central parks on special occasions, such as the International Yoga Day. Practicing yoga outdoors, with fresh air and in harmony with trees and nature, is a great experience. Please contact us for upcoming dates and locations and join us for outdoor practice.

Sivananda Yoga Ho Chi Minh Center has many trees and plants. For a Yogi, connecting with nature is especially important to increase prana and vitality. Although we are in one of the downtown districts, our garden makes us feel like living in an oasis of peace and tranquility. We strive to protect the environment by reducing waste, reusing, and recycling old materials.
Keep in Touch

Ho Chi Minh Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center
147/8 Nguyễn Đình Chính, Phường 11, Quận Phú Nhuận,
Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, 71008 Việt Nam
Telephone: +84 98 780 5427