Sivananda Yoga Vietnam Blog
Learn more about the Sivananda Yoga Teachings and PracticesYoga guidelines for thinking and feeling
https://youtu.be/EDP9T2Tixps Introduction: When I told this topic to people, people shook head, laughed, wheeled their fingers around by their temples showing signs that they are not understanding why you are what you think and you are not what you think. ...
Renewals and choices in time of transition – how to turn adversity to opportunity
https://youtu.be/yac3bYN8hJs A satsang webinar 04/12/2020 Introduction Happy Easter! On this meaningful day symbolizing renewal, awakening and eternal life, we are being reminded of our infinite potential, infinite inner resources and perfect love which always...
Prana, Thoughts, Emotions and Immunity
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1vPtLRtRuo&feature=emb_logo March 23 2020 satsang on line. Happiness, Health and knowledge requires energy. Lack of prana brings depression, stress and darkness. In this time of pandemic , it is critical to know how to...
Meditation guidance – how to meditate and not give up.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqz3KBP7MS0 Introduction: In this webinar we will be talking about Yogic classical meditation. This is the system of 8 limbs Yoga of Patanjali Maharishi, where meditation is limb number 7, and Samadhi- the state of superconscious...
Breathe and relax! Live in the world and out of the world!
https://youtu.be/7bLw6KuSxyg A satsang on line with swami Sitaramananda 05/10/2020 Preparation: The topic of today is highly philosophical, yet practical. It is essential to understand it so we know what to do to be healthy and free. Please be ready during this...
From Karma to Dharma – how to turn karmic situation to your life mission
https://youtu.be/Hx-qfC6LF8c Introduction: The topic of today is a complex topic, we will try our best to talk about how to bring meaning to our lives no matter what circumstances we found ourselves in. The two words of Karma and Dharma are charged with meaning....
Role of Yoga Teacher in Time of COVID-19
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHMQVSz7Arc&feature=emb_logo Zoom talk by swami Sitaramananda March 13 2020 Yoga teachers as leaders: The important thing here is that we are uniting together as yoga teachers, Sivananda Yoga teachers. We have a mission to be...
Stress Relief Counseling – from darkness to light
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mqz2WxwO9Jc Introduction Today’s topic is a very appropriate topic. It’s about stress relief counseling. The International Sivananda Yoga Centers are offering a service of stress relief counseling for all, in 12 languages. So if you see...
Yoga Guidelines for conscious self healing and healing of the Earth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPj_l1B5t84&feature=youtu.be A satsang with swami Sitaramananda May 3rd 2020 edited Introduction: The talk today is about Self Healing and Healing of the environment using Yogic principles. The word Yoga here implies classical...
Yoga of Relationships in the time of COVID 19 crisis
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=17&v=dJ0efBnqowk&feature=emb_logo Satsang on line – March 25, 2020
Self-quarantine or Yogic turning inwards – How to live with yourself and be happy and healthy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=-zvamwPQbZY&feature=emb_logo In these times we are hearing some unusual phrases and receiving some unusual advice, such as “social distancing!” “use pranams, namaste instead of hugs and embraces!”, “do not...
Fear, Stress, Anxiety or Faith – How to Maintain Mental Health in Times of Epidemic
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60yTh_L32s8 In this talk, we will try to understand, in the context of the global epidemic, how fear and anxiety create havoc and take away your well-being and mental health, and how faith is so important in dispelling fear. We will...