Sivananda Yoga
Health Educator Training
Going to the causes of disease and Empowering others for Self Healing
The goal of the Sivananda Yoga Health Educator is to empower participants in their own Self-healing through the practice of asana, pranayama, conscious relaxation techniques, vegetarian diet, positive thinking tools, and meditation practices.
Practical tools, foundational concepts and philosophical knowledge are gained to create the framework for more advanced study as one progresses through the program. Emphasis is placed on understanding the subtler aspects of the causes of disease and stress in the individual.
Common health conditions addressed include respiratory disorders, cardiovascular conditions, diabetes, auto-immune disorders, musculoskeletal conditions, mental health such as depression, anxiety, trauma, etc…
Intensive study in Yoga psychology, the therapeutic effects of meditation practice, the theory of karma and disease, counseling techniques based in the Vedic sciences, Ayurveda psychology, as well as understanding the root cause of addiction and behaviors are covered in the curriculum. Thus, the Yoga Health Educator has the knowledge and intuitive capacity to be a positive and healthy instrument of healing.
Who benefits from this knowledge
- Yoga teachers
- Health care providers
- Hospitals
- Acupuncture clinics
- Physical therapist and chiropractor offices
- Social workers
- At-risk youth facilities
- Psychologists
- Therapists
- Counselors
- Nurses
- Life coaches
- Corporate wellness programs
- Those with a true passion for health and well-being

As part of the Practicum Program, and under the supervision of an assigned Mentor, the Yoga Health Educator meets with participants in one-on-one Yoga Health Consultation sessions (observed and unobserved).
The Yoga Health Educator will conduct intake and assessment of the participant, develop protocols addressing the participant’s needs, and provide documentation for each case.
Follow-up, re-assessment, and adjustment of protocols to meet the participant’s evolving needs and goals are an essential component of the Practicum and the work of the Yoga Health Educator.

Therapeutic Application of Yoga
Be trained in the therapeutic application of Yoga techniques that show positive effects on the following health conditions:
Psychological and nervous system disorders
Health and Lifestyle
Cardiovascular conditions
Metabolic conditions
Respiratory disorders
Musculoskeletal conditions
Special populations
Lack of self discipline
This documentary by Benoy Behl is about how we can introduce yoga into modern society and the healthcare system.
Swami Sita explains that the Sivananda Yoga Health Educator is equipped with skills to give counseling to clients from a holistic point of view understanding the body, mind, spirit connection. Yoga goes to the root of our sufferings and problems in life and helps us to heal and to gain a larger perspective on the meaning of life.
Case Study: Swami Sita applying the knowledge of a Sivananda yoga Health educator to a real person
Module 1 Overview
- Yoga philosophy on consciousness and the Self
- Yoga psychology – (Raja Yoga) and meditation
- The mind and its mechanics
- Five modes of mind and concentration
- Three levels of mind and evolution of consciousness
- Inborn karmic tendencies and subconscious
- Karma, dharma and relationships
- Emotional healing: anger, fears, anxiety, depression, desire, addiction, grief, attachment, stress resilience
- Guidelines for mental health
- Positive thinking techniques according to the four classical paths of Yoga
- Purification: going to the root cause of suffering
- Yoga effects on specific conditions
Module 2 Overview
- Physiology of stress response and relaxation response
- Five causes of stress and how Yoga helps; Health and lifestyle
- Ayurveda foundations: doshas, ama, prana, vayus
- Sun/moon balance
- From inborn constitution to acquired constitution: prakriti to vikriti
- Detoxification
- Nutrition and fire of digestion
- Five layers of healing
- Biomedical and psychological foundations: Anatomy and physiology
- Illnesses process and categories/medical terminology
- Group teaching to individual therapy cases
Module 3 Overview
- How to conduct Intake/Assessment
- How to develop protocols as part of a Plan of Care, individually or in groups
- How to conduct follow-up
- How to adapt the protocol to changing client needs
- Develop knowledge of common ailments and Yoga therapies to address them
- Scope of practice of the Yoga Health Educator
- Knowing when to refer a client to a health professional
- Managing and working with groups
- Group dynamics in the therapeutic relationship

Distance Learning
Online sessions will be recorded and, with advance permission, may be available in lieu of real-time participation. Note that instructors are subject to change without notice.
In this module, spread over more than one year, students will continue learning about Anatomy and Physiology, plus Ayurveda: daily routine, how to adapt to seasons, Ayurvedic nutrition, Ayurvedic herbs, Ayurvedic therapies.
There will be in-depth teaching on the psychological causes of addiction, offering holistic strategies on how to manage addictions and self-destructive behaviors.
During the final distance learning sessions, students will learn the basic principles of the therapeutic relationship, and revisit the ethical principles of a YHE, as well as the legal and the business of Yoga Health Education.
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Ayurveda
- Health and Disease: Addiction
- Therapist/Client Relations
- Business of Yoga Therapy: Legalities and Networking
- Ethical Principles and Continuing Education
Dates and Tuition
The Sivananda Yoga Health Educator program is structured over two years and meets three times for 15-day intensives at the Sivananda Yoga Resort in Da Lat, Vietnam. Each intensive includes self-study materials with assignments of the program material, concepts, and their application.
Module 1: January 5 – 21, 2024
Ayurveda and Healing; Disease Process, Management and Prevention
Module 2: April 16 – May 2, 2024
Yoga and the Mind, Psychology and Mental Health
Module 3: October 2 – 18, 2024
Yoga Health Techniques: Therapeutic Application of Asana, Pranayama, and Relaxation
Module 4: Online Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology/ Biomedical Foundations
Practicum: Yoga Health Techniques Applied knowledge and techniques to educate individuals and groups under the guidance of a mentor in a medical clinic or yoga center.
2-Year Program Prices
The full tuition and accommodation costs for the Sivananda Yoga Health Educator Training are below:
Shared 4-person
Shared (2-person)
Single Room
Above are the prices that every student has to pay accordingly to their accommodation request. $1,000 deposit is required on application date and must pay in full before the start of the first Module.
We do offer an installment payment plan that allows you to finish the payment one year after the start date. Please inquire for more details.
We are offering an Early Bird discount of 10% off for those that sign up by April 30th, 2023.
The completion of an approved 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course is a pre-requisite for the Yoga Health Educator Training.
To fulfill the program competencies the student must successfully complete the four designated Sivananda Yoga Health Educator modules along with 250 practicum hours under mentorship.
Frequently asked Questions
Q&A with Swami Sitaramananda
Director of the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres and Ashrams (SYVC) on the US West Coast and in Asia

Q. Why is SYVC only now implementing the Yoga Health Educator Training?
A. The international Sivananda organization has taught the holistic health benefits of classical Yoga for more than 50 years. Today, Yoga is widely known as a powerful way to deal with stress and is recognized as an alternative approach in health and preventative care. The Sivananda Yoga Health Educator Training offers the opportunity to apply the classical Yoga teachings to empower others in their own self-healing.
Q. How will Yoga teachers from schools other than Sivananda benefit from this course?
A. Yoga is universal. Yoga teachers differ in their approach to physical postures, sequences, priorities, outlooks and class curriculum. Sivananda Yoga integrally includes breathing exercises (pranayama), relaxation (savasana), vegetarian diet and positive thinking, meditation (dhyana) and Yoga philosophy (Vedanta). Teachers from other hatha Yoga lineages would especially gain an opportunity to experience immersion to the Yogic lifestyle.
Q. How do I find a job as a Sivananda Yoga Health Educator?
A. The program is constructed following the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) curriculum. SYVC and IAYT are two well-known Yoga organizations. You will stand out in the alternative health field, backed by these two credible organizations. With this training, you can mediate between health care providers and Yoga schools, either referring to existent Yoga courses or provide courses tailored to your specific interest.
Q. Who can I serve and how do I get clients?
A. There are many possible venues. Bring practical Yoga knowledge into hospitals, health clinics, acupuncture clinics, PT and chiropractic offices, social work, at-risk youth facilities, corporate wellness programs. Serve clients struggling with addiction, stress/anxiety, PTSD (survivors of violence—domestic, sexual, personal or military), depression, nervous system disorders, recovery from injury/surgery, chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, behavioral issues and more. Learn how to create a clientele in the “Yoga Business Practices” module during year two.
Q. How does the Yogic relationship between lifestyle, belief, and health complement the health care system?
A. Yoga helps restore the immune system and builds resilience to the effects of stress. It addresses deeper issues related to aspects of life such as:
- karmic issues (deep issues from the past)
- subtle energy flow and blockages
- interdependence between our thinking, our emotions and and our energy and vitality
- direct connection between our consciousness, our sense of meaning of our life, our zeal to live and our capacity of healing
- relationship between beliefs and healing
Attention to these underlying causes of disease can have remarkable results in the effectiveness of treatments.
Sivananda Yoga Health Educator Training